My Blog
Daily Wellness Resources
Podcast Review: Medical Medium – Are You Deficient?
We’re all born deficient. It’s such a ‘buzz’ thing I hear in the communities I interact in online. Since my personal MS diagnosis I have a keen interest in autoimmune and chronic illness. I want to help people with this as I help myself. This blog...

What Is Reiki and My Inspiration to Attune to it.
Reiki’s origins span from Japan. Translated from Japanese it means Universal Life Energy. When the word is broken down into its components, you have Rei and Ki. The definition for Rei – is Universal, transcendental spirit, mysterious power, essence, unconditional...

On December 11th 2007 the doctor gave me the results to an MRI I’d had a few weeks earlier (twice because the MRI machine broke the first appointment) His words were “You have Relapsing Remitting MS”. I was relieved it wasn’t a tumor on my spine causing the leg...
Featured Publications
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Divi Corner
- Phasellus malesuada nibh quam A congue ante ultricies sit amet Extra Space
- Maecenas ante mauris, placerat in pretium non, sagittis a leo. Bloom Post
- Nulla feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare. Monarch Daily
- Donec placerat bibendum purus ac volutpat. Nexus Magazine
Wellness Book Series
- Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
- Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
- Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.
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