

We’re all born deficient. It’s such a ‘buzz’ thing I hear in the communities I interact in online. Since my personal MS diagnosis I have a keen interest in autoimmune and chronic illness. I want to help people with this as I help myself. This blog is what information I took away from The Medical Medium radio show which you can listen to here: https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/are-you-deficient

Why are we deficient?

Anthony William, The Medical Medium shares that it has to do with Stress.

Stress that could have happened pre-birth, in life;

We deal daily with Pollution, Environmental Toxins, Food Choices, our rain and snow is even deficient of trace minerals and therefore our modern day food misses out and so do we.

AW says, “80,000 meals are in our life time to eat”. It is so easy to eat junk food on planet earth, potentially the average human will eat junk food for a quarter of these 80,000 meals, so that would mean 20,000 meals that are even more deficient! Deficiencies fall into symptoms and disease. Which makes it all the more important that we eat better meals.

Not all of us are the same and so unraveling deficiencies is complicated yet simple. How can this be? It makes sense given so many of us living with chronic conditions are battling to gain control of all the symptoms or even clarify a diagnosis as to what is wrong? Having blood tests, MRI’s, stool and urine tests, and in extreme cases lumbar punctures; all in the aim of working out what is wrong and how to help.

What Do We Need?

We need minerals. Macro, Micro and Phyto Minerals and since we have yet to discover what is really in food, we don’t have a clue. E.g. Raw Honey has hundreds and thousands of micro minerals.  Medical Medium says science doesn’t even know what is in a wild blueberry yet or the phytochemicals in raspberries as an example. To paint a picture, the reproductive system wants trace minerals, glucose and the phytochemicals you find in fruits and vegetables, it craves these just to be optimal.

The medical trend of today has a big focus supplements and one in particular is Vitamin D, I know this is a BIG focus in the Overcoming MS Lifestyle I’ve been following since 2015. What we are really missing is the importance of B12. According to Medical Medium, ‘you can die if your B12 is too low but can’t die if Vitamin D is not right.’ So we want to be more focused on finding the right kind of working B12 methylation.

Methylation, the process of activating a molecule through the addition of a methyl group, is required to ensure the proper functioning of metabolic pathways and efficient enzyme activity. Methylation is important in numerous biochemical reactions in the body that control vital processes, such as the regulation of gene expression. Methylation is, essentially, the on/off switches of the body – where countless molecules and processes can be activated, or deactivated, to perform a function, or to allow a reaction to occur. A mutation in the MTHFR gene could result in defective or insufficient MTHFR enzyme, which may affect methylation. A lack of methylation can cause metabolic disorders and poorer levels of health. DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids require methylation in order to function properly. (https://mthfrsupport.com.au/2017/02/what-is-methylation/)

 What About Nutrition?

In many circles today it is all about Protein yet we forget about the lemon.

There are so many ‘fad diets’ that Medical Medium suggests we customise with the healing fruits and vegetables because its not that they are ‘bad’ just that they lack the whole body support we need, particularly when dealing with chronic conditions.

Medical Medium - Life Changing Foods

Medical Medium – Life Changing Foods Available in AUS via Booktopia

Anthony William talks about the healing benefits of foods in his book “Life Changing Foods”.

Lemons and Limes (pages 94-95) being great for UTI’s, Staph infections, Kidney Disease and so many more conditions. If you listen to the poscast shared at the beginning of this blog, Anthony William mentions how people on a ship would die with only proteins and no hydrating lemons and limes providing hydrating electrolytes, trace mineral salts and of course vitamin C. The phytochemicals called limonoids in lemons and limes actually bond vitamin C and calcium together among other benefits. I could write a whole blog about them!  Or you can read about them all in his book.

How Do We Know What Kind of Deficiencies?

Anthony William has provided a couple of clues in the podcast which I have included below:

Hair, skin and nails: If you see white spots, grooves, dents, half moon gone, pockets, and pits on your nails… Today’s experts would say it is a protein deficiency when in actual fact it is a sign of ZINC Deficiency.

If you find yourself with a fungal infection on your feet, it is a sure fire sign you have a Vitamin C Deficiency. It is this deficiency that has made you vulnerable to picking up the fungus so easily. Anthony suggests a good quality Ester C supplement can help with this.

Hair Breakage is another one today’s experts would say is due to a protein deficiency when it is actually due to Vitamin B methylation deficiency.

Medical Medium - Thyroid Healing

Medical Medium – Thyroid Healing Available in AUS via Booktopia

Hair falling out is a sure fire sign of a Thyroid Disorder even if your blood tests come out as clear of thyroid issues. Remember, the blood test is not checking ALL body systems and their deficiencies so we need to diagnose from other signs from the body. Medical Medium suggests we eat Thyroid Healing Foods to help. The Book Medical Medium – Thyroid Healing is a great resource for this!


Medical Medium by Anthony William

Medical Medium by Anthony William Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal Available in AUS via Booktopia

In Medical Medium’s book he talks about elevated biotics and how, ‘they harbour energy from God and the sun. Elevated microorganisms are not to be confused with soil-borne organisms and probiotics derived from soil. Elevated microorganisms are the most gut-renewing option there is. They are the very microorganisms that the ileum harbours, and they create the B12 that the body, particularly the brain, most recognises.’  (pg 247 Medical Medium)





If an organic apple orchard is not convenient, growing and eating your own sprouts are the next best alternative. Purchasing and eating organic farmers market produce is another great alternative. When growing your own sprouts, you can choose from all sorts of delicious varieties like red clover sprouts, broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts and he suggests feeding them by spraying sea minerals.

Are Blood Tests Accurate? What is yet to be created by medical science is a way to test the whole body system. There are different body systems and science hasn’t learned how to test all of them, a single blood test only tests one body system, i.e. the CNS. It doesn’t matter how much B12 is in the CNS blood test as it may be deficient in one of the other body systems. Until science works out a way in the next hundred years to test levels for all systems, then we need to think about the whole body differently.

The 11 Major Human Body Systems By Connexions – http://cnx.org,

Did you know from a blood test that your B12 is High it actually translates as the B12 being low in the Central Nervous System! Really Dry Skin is a sign you have a B12 deficiency in the liver. If you are like me and living with a chronic condition such as MS, have you had your B12 checked and it is okay yet you still feel ‘blah’?  I wonder if we took some vitamin B12 we would find ourselves feeling better? (I will do this test on myself in the coming weeks and let you know what I find out.  I have just had my blood tested and are awaiting the results of vitamin B12. I’ve been feeling a little ‘blah’ AND my body has dry skin!)

Do You Juice or Blend? How Can this help?

Medical Medium - Celery Juice

Medical Medium – Celery Juice Available in AUS via Booktopia

For those of us with vitamin and mineral deficiencies it is really important to juice.

Why?  Our intestinal tracts get scored by bad acids, we lose our hydrochloric acid and in so doing open ourselves to e-coli, strep and other viruses. The colon gets worn and calloused, despite endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures, the damage can go unseen. It is the burning off of the microscopic fur lining the insides of our colon that goes unchecked. This hair protected us and let the nutrients in and was most likely damaged pre-birth in most of us with our modern lifestyles.

Juice helps get the intestinal lining restored, it feeds the lining and gets nutrients to us. Yes, the celery juice is a great one to introduce and all other juices. Medical Medium in this radio show recommends celery and fennel to those of us healing from autoimmune deficiencies.

What can we do? What foods and supplements are best for deficiencies?

  • Heirloom Produce in the form of apples, tomatoes and pears.
  • Salad Greens
  • Radish Greens
  • Spinach – contains every vitamin
  • Sweet potato and yams
  • Celery
  • Fresh Herbs – Oregano, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme are great ‘bug killers’ and help eradicate worms and parasites
  • Wild Blueberries (are a resurrection food)
  • Dandelions contain concentrated elevated biotics and are highly mineralized
  • Rosehip
  • Nettle Leaf
  • Sprouts (more elevated biotics!)
  • Papaya is nutrient dense particularly for B12, vitamin C and aids with absorption

Recommended Supplements

  • B Complex
  • Algae based Omega Oils
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder
  • Nettle Leaf Capsules
  • Red Clover Tea
  • Amya Gold – liquid vitamin

Much of the information of this blog post has been transcribed from listening to this podcast https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/are-you-deficient

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