
#36 Inner Child

Hear and Know Me

Stop for a moment… Someone is calling and you have drowned out their cries for long enough. This is the voice of your inner child – often ignored, and sometimes unknown, neglected, or pushed aside.

Maybe you don’t recognise their voice, or maybe it’s familiar but you haven’t had time to fully listen to it lately.

Your child lives within you, a presence that is like a hologram that has imprinted within it every experience, thought, belief, and desire from your childhood – all the times you sang freely and the times you felt unheard.

He or she sits within your heart. Is your door to them closed or open? Today you are asked to open that door and allow your inner child to come forward at an age and time when they wish to reveal themselves to you. It is safe to do so. What age are you taken back to, and how do they look today?

They may be the crawling infant looking for nurture; the expectant adolescent ready for adventure; the abandoned, fearful five year old; or the exuberant, happy nine year old who loved life and embraced every moment.

Metatron was with them then, just as he is here with you now. Maybe you sensed angels in childhood but weren’t allowed to fully embrace them. You may have misunderstood or been afraid of their light, but they were always there to help, not hinder, just as they are now.

Allow Metatron to reveal the glory and beauty of his kingdom for your child to see with new eyes the love that is now here for them.

As your child comes forward, allow them to be wrapped in Metatron’s rainbow wings, bringing healing, comfort, and support to whatever is needed right now.

You are encouraged to meditate, speak aloud, or write down any feelings that arise from connecting to your inner child. What do they say? How do they feel? What do they need?

Look into the kind, loving eyes of Archangel Metatron and see and feel how he understands everything, acknowledges all that you have been through, and offers a new beginning now for your child and you. You are a precious soul and a unique being, and you matter.

As a child you were put here on earth to laugh, play, learn, and explore. If this didn’t happen, you can begin again. It may seem difficult at first to play or feel free, but you can do it. Tune in to what your child wants to do today – bake a cake, go cycling, eat ice cream, get creative – they will tell you if you listen. Together you can heal from the past, learn to live happily in the present, and look forward to the next phase of life healed, whole, and intact.

Adult and inner child together – reunited, happy, and belonging to each other. Finally free.

Channelled words by Amanda Ellis from @angeliccelestialcolours on Instagram

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Inspired Robyn’s Thoughts on Archangel Metatron’s August 2022 Guidance

It feels like it is no coincidence that this card has come up. Ever since I began my Reiki journey, my inner child has been calling me. It has taken me MANY healing sessions with different practitioners, time on the yoga mat and in meditation, as well as my own self-healing to SEE her and HEAR her message.

Most notably, during the past two months in my Reiki Master Teacher Training. During my own Emotional Discovery Healing in June. Then, in my Past Life Retrieval Processes.

I’ve seen her trauma, the suppression of her gifts of feeling as an empath and what this meant. The healing she was to bring to the family her soul has chosen to join this time around. Her connection to both the Celestial and Angelic realms with her Guides that have had messages for her.

The aspects of her past life that want to show her how JOY and PLAY are her MAGIC TOOLS to stay in the LIGHT when the DARKNESS of world energy and events wants to suppress. This is why when, in this current soul journey as a child, she wanted to be Tinker Bell and wave her magic fairy dust.

I’d had a Reiki Healing with https://katecrozier81.wixsite.com/crowznest earlier this year and Kate tapped into things relating to my suppressing how my body feels energy from childhood. She could also see my affinity for working with children in some way, shape or form relating to how I resonate with what they feel, how they think, tapping into emotions.

In recent years, through this self-work, I’ve been able to see where I’ve stopped or ‘suppressed’ this playful side of self. It’s there and comes out in spurts, however, the seriousness of life and my learned way of coping has seen me unrelentingly suppress play.

Even my own daughter’s soul has come to me to show me PLAY. I’ve pushed it aside SO MANY times! She wants to hug, to play, to be close – polar opposite to my upbringing. This aspect of her I now truly see and am grateful for.

Now I can see and remember how this Inner Child Knowing for PLAY is a SUPER POWER for THRIVING in LIFE.

Which is why, I feel Archangel Metatron wants a focus on what our INNER CHILD has to share with us this August.

This year has been yet another year with ups and downs for all of us and it would seem, there is still more intense times to tread. Each of us can benefit from the knowledge and wisdom of our INNER CHILD. Just like I have come to see the LIGHT through meeting with her, so can you.

Whether it be with ART Therapy, PLAY with your own children and seeing their wonder, a session with your therapist of trust and choice, there is SO much we can benefit from doing this work.


I include Emotional Discovery and Past Life Retrieval in my Reiki Sessions now if called to tap into this kind of healing. You can book herehttps://inspiredrobyn.com/services/